222One Man Shows
2020 Published "Visions of a Few Prophets"
2018 -Colborne Street Gallery Fenelon Falls, Ontario,Canada " Cottages"
2018 -TAG Gallery Museum Row, Los Angeles "Cottages"
2017-TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California, "On Water"
2015- TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California “Pretty Things”
2013 – TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California “Back to Basics”
2011 – TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California “abc…..z”
2010 - TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California “Caught in Time”
2008 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California “Thick and Thin”
2006 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California ”Tender Touches”
2005 - Louise’s Trattoria, Santa Monica, California, “Works”
2004 – TAG Gallery, Santa Monca, California, “Joyful”
2003 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California “More”
2002 - Back on Broadway, Santa Monica, California “Works”
2001 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California, “ Searching for Truth”
2001 - Debbie’s Bistro, Beverly Hills, California,”Food for Thought”
2000 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California “Classics”
1998 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California “West Point”
1990 – Beverly Hills Womens Club, “Joan Horsfall Young, Exclusive”
Selected Group Show
2021 Hilbert Museum at Chapman University CAC Gold Metal Juried Exhibition
2021 Frederick Weisman Museum at Pepperdine University, Juried exhibition
2020 Winner McMichael Museum of Canadian Art Virtual Plein Air Exhibition
2020 Sumptous Tag Gallery
2020 California Art Club Virtual Welcome to California
2019 " Trees" Colborne Gallery, Fenelon Falls, Ontario Canada 8 19 - 10 19
2019 Allied Artists of the Santa Monica Mountains Santa Paula Museum, California 7 19 - 11 19
2019 California Art Club Gold Metal Show Pasadena Museum of California Art
2019 Jonathon Art Foundation
2018 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, 107th Gold Metal Juried Exhibition
2018 Frederick Weisman Museum On Location in Malibu juried exhibition
2017 California Art Club, Gold Metal Exhibition, The Autry Center of the American West, Los Angeles
2016 California Art Club, Gold Medal Exhibition, The Autry Center of the American West, Los Angeles
2016 Saint Mary's College , Museum of Art, Moraga "Reflections" Juried Exhibition
2015 Frederick Weisman Museum On Location In Malibu Juried Exhibition
2015 California Art Club, Gold Medal Exhibition, The USC Fisher Art Museum
2015 Saga Fine Art , Monrovia, CA
2014 Richard Nixon Library Portraits of the Fallen Exhibition
2014 California Art Club, Gold Medal Exhibition, The Autry National Center of the American West, Los Angeles
2014 Ledgendary Landmarks of California, California Art Club Gallery, at the Old Mill
2013- California Art Club 102 nd Juried Art Exhibition, The USC Fisher Art Museum
2013 Home, (Yearnings of a soldier far from home) Malaga Cove Library Gallery, CA
2013 Segil Fine Art, Monrovia, CA
2013 Debra Huse Gallery, Balboa Island, CA
2013 Randy Higbee Gallery, Costa Mesa, CA
2013 Small Works, Segil Fine Art, Monrovia, CA
2013- H2O Ebb and Flow juried exhibition, Segil Fine Art, Monrovia, CA
2013- Portraits of the Fallen Memorial Exhibition, USC Hillel Art Gallery, Los Angele
2014-2013 - 2012, 2011, 2010 Randy Higbee Gallery 6 x 6 juried show
2014-2013 - 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 Jonathon Art Foundation Art Auction
2012 – FrederickR Weisman Museum, Malibu California, “On Location in Malibu” Juried Exhibition
2012 – California Art Club, 101st Gold Metal Exhibition, The Autry National Center of The American West, Los Angeles, Juried Exhibition
2012 - Los Angeles Municiple Art Gallery at Barnsdale. Symbiosis of Landscape Painting and Enviornomental Awareness, Juried Exhibition
2012 - Segil Fine Arts , Monrovia, California, “From Field to Table”, Juried Exhibition
2011 - Terrell Moore Gallery, Portraits of the Fallen Memorial Exhibition
2011 - CCAA Museum of Art ,Juried Show
2010 - 99 th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art. Pasadena, CA Juried Exhibition
2010 - Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angeles, Los Angeles, Ring Cycle Juried Exhibition
2010 - California Art Club at the Old Mill Gallery
2009 - The Frederick R. Weisman Museum, Malibu. California, “On Location in Malibu” Juried Exhibition
2009 - 98th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, California Juried Exhibition
2009 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2009 - California Art Club at the Old Mill
2009 - Bennington Center for the Arts, Bennington Vermont. “California’s Landscapes and Legacy”
2008 - Los Angeles World Affairs Council
2008 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2008 - 97th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, California Juried Exhibition
2008 - California Art Club at the Old Mill Gallery
2007 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2007 - 96th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena, California, Juried Exhibition.
2007 - United States Military Academy, Associate of Graduates, WestPoint, New York
2007 - California Art Club at the Old Mill Gallery
2006 - 2008 The Grocers Gallery, Fenelon Falls Ontario, Canada
2006 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2006 - 95th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art, California, Juried Exhibition
2006.- Frederick R Weisman Museum, Malibu, California. “On Location in Malibu”
2006 - California Art Club, Old Mill Gallery,
2005 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2004 - California Heritage Museum, Santa Monica, California Summer Show
2004 – California Heritage Museum, Santa Monica California, Winter Show
2004 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2003 - Sturgeon Point Invitational Exhibition, Sturgeon Point, Ontario, Canada
2002 - Graystone Manor, invitational exhibition
2002 - 92nd Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena California. Juried Exhibition
2001 - Oil Painters of America, Juried National Exhibition, Zantman Gallery, Palm Dessert, California
2001 - Occidental College. Juried exhibition Eagle Rock, California
2000 - Tag Gallery Santa Monica, California, “Classics” UCLA Studio Tour
1998 - Oil Painters of America Regional Exhibition, juried exhibition
1998 - Santa Monica High School Art Tour, juried exhibition
1997 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California, “New Members” 2 person exhibition
1997 - Oil Painters of America Regional Exhibition, juried exhibition
1996 - Oil Painters of America Regional Exhibition, juried exhibition
1996 - 87th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of History, Pasadena, California
1995 - 86th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Los Angeles, Arboretum, Los Angeles, California
1995 - Oil Painters of America Regional Exhibition, Carneigie Art Museum juried exhibition,
1995 - Studio tour UCLA Art Collectors, Ojai, California
1994 - 1998 Montecito Frame and Gallery, Montecito, California
1994 - 85th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Brand Library, Glendale, California
1991 - Beverly Hills/Cannes Sister City Exhibition, juried exhibition
1991 - Allied Artists of the Santa Monica Mountains, juried Exhibition. Winner Best Painting
1990 - City of Beverly Hills Diamond Jubilee Art Exhibit,
1989 - Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard California, juried exhibition
1989 - Ojai Valley Art Center, Ojai, California, juried exhibition
1989 - Chim Gregg Art Gallery, La Puente, California, Juried Exhibition
1989 - Massarello Pottery, Ojai California, juried exhibition
1988 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles California
1885 – California Art Club, 85th Gold Metal Exhibition,Brand Library, Glendale
1985 - 86 Cleveland Art Gallery, Park City, Utah
1983 - Glendale Savings, Los Angeles, California
1982 - North Valley Art League, Redding California, juried exhibition
1980 - 1985 Affair in the Garden, BH Art League annual exhibt Beverly Hills, California
1980 - 1990- Top of the Mart Gallery, B. H. Art League, Los Angeles
Oil Painters of America
California Art Club, Artist Member
TAG The Artists’ Gallery and has served on the board nine years
Video Productions
Co-star instructor/Artist 1 hour, Cine Arts 7 Art Works
2020 Visions ( of some prophets ) Typecraft Pasadena
2018 Cottages by Type Craft, Pasadena
2011 ABC By A7 !books.com
2010 American Art Collector, Artist Focus January 2010
2009 Bennington Center for the Arts. ‘California’s Landscape and Legacy”
2009 Frederick R Weisman Museum, Malibu, “On Location in Malibu”
2009 California Art Club Gold Metal Exhibition Catalogue, 92nd93rd, 95th, 96th, 97th, 98th
99th, 101st, 102nd, 103rd, 104th,105th, 106th, 107th, 108th , 110th
2008 Pelican Hill Artists Catalogue
2006 Frederick R Weisman Museum, Malibu, “On Location in Malibu”
2004 Plein Air Magazine December
2004 Brentwood Magazine December
2000 Joshua, an Early General A& I books.com
2000 May/June , Art of the West, March/April 2002, Sept October 2003
1997 March CAC Newsletter, February 2000
1996 Designing with Fabric, Carol Soueck K. King Ph.D. P108
1989 American References, The California Art Review; Les Krantz, American References, Copy right 1989
1983 - Glendale Savings, Los Angeles, California
Giclee Prints published by Duganne Ateliers, Santa Monica, California
Poster Prints published by Accu Litho Services, Mississauga, Canada
Haddad’s Fine Art, posters
Virtual Art Solutions, glicee prints
Greg Young Publishing
Fine Arts Education
Central Arts School, Toronto under Charles Goldhammer
Stowe School, Buckinghamshire, England
California State University, Northridge
Five Years Travel/Study Monaco, Frankfurt and England
Others On Her Art
" At a time when technique is shunned as anathema to creativity, it's a pleasure to find Mrs. Young concerned with the same challenges the Masters wrestled with; composition and undiscovered beauty..." Robert Venger for Valley News.
" If you have an office complex with huge bare walls you might want to consider some big juicy abstracts. But if you have a warm home with some intimate corners, you might consider the small landscapes and still lifes of Joan Young. They are lovely little smile inducers" Stewart Salsbury for the Beverly Hills Magazine.
“You may have to set aside your particular political leanings to fully enjoy Young’s technically accomplished, almost anachronistic celebrations of “dress gray” pageantry. I, for one, am drawn to the unusual subject matter and careful compositions of these paintings….” Previews Stephen Jenkins, Art Week, February 1998
“Young’s work is more pensive. Her oils are executed on rag paper, giving an interesting rough hewn texture to her paintings, despite her sure handed brush work”. Rachel Donahue, Art of the Matter, Santa Monica News 3.14 97 Vol.111# 12
“Talk about a change of pace. Two years ago, J.H.Y. made a strong impression with her series of paintings depicting cadet formations and graduation parades at West Point, striking not only for their technical assurance but also for the lack of irony with which the artist approached her unusual (in our ere) subject matter. Having apparently graduated from rendering the academy’s anachronistic pageantry, Young now turns to flowers…. Perhaps the very same blooms and buds that those West Point boys might well have gone on to trample underfoot in their war games. “In previous times our forefathers had daily access to flower gardens,” Young explains. “ In this electronic age we miss having the energy that comes from our earth. Paintings of flowers exude a sense of spirituality when redefined in our personal environment.” Growing just this side of Hallmark Card Gardens, Young’s flowers are buttery and fragrant, though I wouldn’t mind the occasional appearance of her earlier cadets, perhaps standing at attention and saluting a vase of lilacs and daisies. Stephen Jenkins, Artweek, Vol31 Issue2 Feb. 2000
The Artist On Her Work
My influences have almost always predated this century; from the Neolithic Caves of Lascaux through the Brooding Barbison painters to the colorful Impressionists. I love painting "spontaneous opulence" using thick buttery paint and a luscious full brush to remind us of more gentle times; a woman sewing, fresh flowers from the garden, children sailing, and formal family portraits are favorite subjects. My paintings are designed to complete the harmony and evoke tranquility in their hanging place rather then to control its environment.
Corporate Collections
709 Signals Corps, Canadian Army; limited edition poster available at the Canadian War Museum. Painting hanging in officer’s mess, Fort York, Toronto
I.B.M. Tokyo
I.B.M. U.S.A.
Beverly Hills Education Foundation
Beverly Hills Parent Teacher Association
Downtown Women's Center, Los Angeles
The Bell Inn Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire
Venture Tec Co. Inc. Toronto
Gibraltar Savings, California
Pitkin County Bank, Aspen, Colorado
Lakefield College School, Canada
Pelican Hill Resort, Newport, CA
Select Private Collections
Mr. and Mrs. John Craig Eaton, Toronto
Mr and Mrs Kevin Hackler, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
Mrs. Joyce Getty, Los Angeles/ San Francisco
Tim Wisner and Chris Van Lierop, Sturgeon Point, Ontario
The Bell Inn, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England
Sir Neil and Lady Pixie Shaw, Ascott, England
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thornhill, Oxfordshire, England
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor, Monaco
Judge Irving Feffer, Beverly Hills
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isreal, Aspen, Colorado
Mr. and Mrs. David Milner, Calgary Alberta
Ms. Maureen Manex, Calgary, Alberta
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Trafton Freeland Washington
Mr. and Mrs. George Stern, Los Angeles
Mrs. Michelle Schilling, Belize, Camen Islands
Revised June 2019
2020 Published "Visions of a Few Prophets"
2018 -Colborne Street Gallery Fenelon Falls, Ontario,Canada " Cottages"
2018 -TAG Gallery Museum Row, Los Angeles "Cottages"
2017-TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California, "On Water"
2015- TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California “Pretty Things”
2013 – TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California “Back to Basics”
2011 – TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California “abc…..z”
2010 - TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, California “Caught in Time”
2008 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California “Thick and Thin”
2006 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California ”Tender Touches”
2005 - Louise’s Trattoria, Santa Monica, California, “Works”
2004 – TAG Gallery, Santa Monca, California, “Joyful”
2003 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California “More”
2002 - Back on Broadway, Santa Monica, California “Works”
2001 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California, “ Searching for Truth”
2001 - Debbie’s Bistro, Beverly Hills, California,”Food for Thought”
2000 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California “Classics”
1998 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California “West Point”
1990 – Beverly Hills Womens Club, “Joan Horsfall Young, Exclusive”
Selected Group Show
2021 Hilbert Museum at Chapman University CAC Gold Metal Juried Exhibition
2021 Frederick Weisman Museum at Pepperdine University, Juried exhibition
2020 Winner McMichael Museum of Canadian Art Virtual Plein Air Exhibition
2020 Sumptous Tag Gallery
2020 California Art Club Virtual Welcome to California
2019 " Trees" Colborne Gallery, Fenelon Falls, Ontario Canada 8 19 - 10 19
2019 Allied Artists of the Santa Monica Mountains Santa Paula Museum, California 7 19 - 11 19
2019 California Art Club Gold Metal Show Pasadena Museum of California Art
2019 Jonathon Art Foundation
2018 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, 107th Gold Metal Juried Exhibition
2018 Frederick Weisman Museum On Location in Malibu juried exhibition
2017 California Art Club, Gold Metal Exhibition, The Autry Center of the American West, Los Angeles
2016 California Art Club, Gold Medal Exhibition, The Autry Center of the American West, Los Angeles
2016 Saint Mary's College , Museum of Art, Moraga "Reflections" Juried Exhibition
2015 Frederick Weisman Museum On Location In Malibu Juried Exhibition
2015 California Art Club, Gold Medal Exhibition, The USC Fisher Art Museum
2015 Saga Fine Art , Monrovia, CA
2014 Richard Nixon Library Portraits of the Fallen Exhibition
2014 California Art Club, Gold Medal Exhibition, The Autry National Center of the American West, Los Angeles
2014 Ledgendary Landmarks of California, California Art Club Gallery, at the Old Mill
2013- California Art Club 102 nd Juried Art Exhibition, The USC Fisher Art Museum
2013 Home, (Yearnings of a soldier far from home) Malaga Cove Library Gallery, CA
2013 Segil Fine Art, Monrovia, CA
2013 Debra Huse Gallery, Balboa Island, CA
2013 Randy Higbee Gallery, Costa Mesa, CA
2013 Small Works, Segil Fine Art, Monrovia, CA
2013- H2O Ebb and Flow juried exhibition, Segil Fine Art, Monrovia, CA
2013- Portraits of the Fallen Memorial Exhibition, USC Hillel Art Gallery, Los Angele
2014-2013 - 2012, 2011, 2010 Randy Higbee Gallery 6 x 6 juried show
2014-2013 - 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 Jonathon Art Foundation Art Auction
2012 – FrederickR Weisman Museum, Malibu California, “On Location in Malibu” Juried Exhibition
2012 – California Art Club, 101st Gold Metal Exhibition, The Autry National Center of The American West, Los Angeles, Juried Exhibition
2012 - Los Angeles Municiple Art Gallery at Barnsdale. Symbiosis of Landscape Painting and Enviornomental Awareness, Juried Exhibition
2012 - Segil Fine Arts , Monrovia, California, “From Field to Table”, Juried Exhibition
2011 - Terrell Moore Gallery, Portraits of the Fallen Memorial Exhibition
2011 - CCAA Museum of Art ,Juried Show
2010 - 99 th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art. Pasadena, CA Juried Exhibition
2010 - Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angeles, Los Angeles, Ring Cycle Juried Exhibition
2010 - California Art Club at the Old Mill Gallery
2009 - The Frederick R. Weisman Museum, Malibu. California, “On Location in Malibu” Juried Exhibition
2009 - 98th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, California Juried Exhibition
2009 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2009 - California Art Club at the Old Mill
2009 - Bennington Center for the Arts, Bennington Vermont. “California’s Landscapes and Legacy”
2008 - Los Angeles World Affairs Council
2008 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2008 - 97th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, California Juried Exhibition
2008 - California Art Club at the Old Mill Gallery
2007 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2007 - 96th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena, California, Juried Exhibition.
2007 - United States Military Academy, Associate of Graduates, WestPoint, New York
2007 - California Art Club at the Old Mill Gallery
2006 - 2008 The Grocers Gallery, Fenelon Falls Ontario, Canada
2006 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2006 - 95th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art, California, Juried Exhibition
2006.- Frederick R Weisman Museum, Malibu, California. “On Location in Malibu”
2006 - California Art Club, Old Mill Gallery,
2005 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2004 - California Heritage Museum, Santa Monica, California Summer Show
2004 – California Heritage Museum, Santa Monica California, Winter Show
2004 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles, California
2003 - Sturgeon Point Invitational Exhibition, Sturgeon Point, Ontario, Canada
2002 - Graystone Manor, invitational exhibition
2002 - 92nd Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena California. Juried Exhibition
2001 - Oil Painters of America, Juried National Exhibition, Zantman Gallery, Palm Dessert, California
2001 - Occidental College. Juried exhibition Eagle Rock, California
2000 - Tag Gallery Santa Monica, California, “Classics” UCLA Studio Tour
1998 - Oil Painters of America Regional Exhibition, juried exhibition
1998 - Santa Monica High School Art Tour, juried exhibition
1997 - TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, California, “New Members” 2 person exhibition
1997 - Oil Painters of America Regional Exhibition, juried exhibition
1996 - Oil Painters of America Regional Exhibition, juried exhibition
1996 - 87th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Pasadena Museum of History, Pasadena, California
1995 - 86th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Los Angeles, Arboretum, Los Angeles, California
1995 - Oil Painters of America Regional Exhibition, Carneigie Art Museum juried exhibition,
1995 - Studio tour UCLA Art Collectors, Ojai, California
1994 - 1998 Montecito Frame and Gallery, Montecito, California
1994 - 85th Gold Metal Exhibition, California Art Club, Brand Library, Glendale, California
1991 - Beverly Hills/Cannes Sister City Exhibition, juried exhibition
1991 - Allied Artists of the Santa Monica Mountains, juried Exhibition. Winner Best Painting
1990 - City of Beverly Hills Diamond Jubilee Art Exhibit,
1989 - Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard California, juried exhibition
1989 - Ojai Valley Art Center, Ojai, California, juried exhibition
1989 - Chim Gregg Art Gallery, La Puente, California, Juried Exhibition
1989 - Massarello Pottery, Ojai California, juried exhibition
1988 - Jonathon Art Foundation, Los Angeles California
1885 – California Art Club, 85th Gold Metal Exhibition,Brand Library, Glendale
1985 - 86 Cleveland Art Gallery, Park City, Utah
1983 - Glendale Savings, Los Angeles, California
1982 - North Valley Art League, Redding California, juried exhibition
1980 - 1985 Affair in the Garden, BH Art League annual exhibt Beverly Hills, California
1980 - 1990- Top of the Mart Gallery, B. H. Art League, Los Angeles
Oil Painters of America
California Art Club, Artist Member
TAG The Artists’ Gallery and has served on the board nine years
Video Productions
Co-star instructor/Artist 1 hour, Cine Arts 7 Art Works
2020 Visions ( of some prophets ) Typecraft Pasadena
2018 Cottages by Type Craft, Pasadena
2011 ABC By A7 !books.com
2010 American Art Collector, Artist Focus January 2010
2009 Bennington Center for the Arts. ‘California’s Landscape and Legacy”
2009 Frederick R Weisman Museum, Malibu, “On Location in Malibu”
2009 California Art Club Gold Metal Exhibition Catalogue, 92nd93rd, 95th, 96th, 97th, 98th
99th, 101st, 102nd, 103rd, 104th,105th, 106th, 107th, 108th , 110th
2008 Pelican Hill Artists Catalogue
2006 Frederick R Weisman Museum, Malibu, “On Location in Malibu”
2004 Plein Air Magazine December
2004 Brentwood Magazine December
2000 Joshua, an Early General A& I books.com
2000 May/June , Art of the West, March/April 2002, Sept October 2003
1997 March CAC Newsletter, February 2000
1996 Designing with Fabric, Carol Soueck K. King Ph.D. P108
1989 American References, The California Art Review; Les Krantz, American References, Copy right 1989
1983 - Glendale Savings, Los Angeles, California
Giclee Prints published by Duganne Ateliers, Santa Monica, California
Poster Prints published by Accu Litho Services, Mississauga, Canada
Haddad’s Fine Art, posters
Virtual Art Solutions, glicee prints
Greg Young Publishing
Fine Arts Education
Central Arts School, Toronto under Charles Goldhammer
Stowe School, Buckinghamshire, England
California State University, Northridge
Five Years Travel/Study Monaco, Frankfurt and England
Others On Her Art
" At a time when technique is shunned as anathema to creativity, it's a pleasure to find Mrs. Young concerned with the same challenges the Masters wrestled with; composition and undiscovered beauty..." Robert Venger for Valley News.
" If you have an office complex with huge bare walls you might want to consider some big juicy abstracts. But if you have a warm home with some intimate corners, you might consider the small landscapes and still lifes of Joan Young. They are lovely little smile inducers" Stewart Salsbury for the Beverly Hills Magazine.
“You may have to set aside your particular political leanings to fully enjoy Young’s technically accomplished, almost anachronistic celebrations of “dress gray” pageantry. I, for one, am drawn to the unusual subject matter and careful compositions of these paintings….” Previews Stephen Jenkins, Art Week, February 1998
“Young’s work is more pensive. Her oils are executed on rag paper, giving an interesting rough hewn texture to her paintings, despite her sure handed brush work”. Rachel Donahue, Art of the Matter, Santa Monica News 3.14 97 Vol.111# 12
“Talk about a change of pace. Two years ago, J.H.Y. made a strong impression with her series of paintings depicting cadet formations and graduation parades at West Point, striking not only for their technical assurance but also for the lack of irony with which the artist approached her unusual (in our ere) subject matter. Having apparently graduated from rendering the academy’s anachronistic pageantry, Young now turns to flowers…. Perhaps the very same blooms and buds that those West Point boys might well have gone on to trample underfoot in their war games. “In previous times our forefathers had daily access to flower gardens,” Young explains. “ In this electronic age we miss having the energy that comes from our earth. Paintings of flowers exude a sense of spirituality when redefined in our personal environment.” Growing just this side of Hallmark Card Gardens, Young’s flowers are buttery and fragrant, though I wouldn’t mind the occasional appearance of her earlier cadets, perhaps standing at attention and saluting a vase of lilacs and daisies. Stephen Jenkins, Artweek, Vol31 Issue2 Feb. 2000
The Artist On Her Work
My influences have almost always predated this century; from the Neolithic Caves of Lascaux through the Brooding Barbison painters to the colorful Impressionists. I love painting "spontaneous opulence" using thick buttery paint and a luscious full brush to remind us of more gentle times; a woman sewing, fresh flowers from the garden, children sailing, and formal family portraits are favorite subjects. My paintings are designed to complete the harmony and evoke tranquility in their hanging place rather then to control its environment.
Corporate Collections
709 Signals Corps, Canadian Army; limited edition poster available at the Canadian War Museum. Painting hanging in officer’s mess, Fort York, Toronto
I.B.M. Tokyo
I.B.M. U.S.A.
Beverly Hills Education Foundation
Beverly Hills Parent Teacher Association
Downtown Women's Center, Los Angeles
The Bell Inn Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire
Venture Tec Co. Inc. Toronto
Gibraltar Savings, California
Pitkin County Bank, Aspen, Colorado
Lakefield College School, Canada
Pelican Hill Resort, Newport, CA
Select Private Collections
Mr. and Mrs. John Craig Eaton, Toronto
Mr and Mrs Kevin Hackler, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
Mrs. Joyce Getty, Los Angeles/ San Francisco
Tim Wisner and Chris Van Lierop, Sturgeon Point, Ontario
The Bell Inn, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England
Sir Neil and Lady Pixie Shaw, Ascott, England
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thornhill, Oxfordshire, England
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor, Monaco
Judge Irving Feffer, Beverly Hills
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isreal, Aspen, Colorado
Mr. and Mrs. David Milner, Calgary Alberta
Ms. Maureen Manex, Calgary, Alberta
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Trafton Freeland Washington
Mr. and Mrs. George Stern, Los Angeles
Mrs. Michelle Schilling, Belize, Camen Islands
Revised June 2019